Job Fest is brought to you through funding provided by the Government of Canada and the Province of New Brunswick through the Canada-New Brunswick Labour Market Agreements
Why You Should Participate in Job Fest
Five Very Good Reasons...
Get the complete all-access experience by following these 3 easy steps;
1. Get your resume tuned up and apply for a chance to get a practice interview! This is a great way to have your resume reviewed and gain valuable interview coaching that can help you with your actual job search.
Review this website and do a little research before you attend Job Fest so you can make the most of your visits and get your questions answered by industry professionals.
Get your parents involved! Let them know about this event and invite them to explore it with you at home.
Get Ready!
Three Quick and Easy Steps
- You can easily get some career research completed. Grade 11 students need to start making career plans BEFORE entering grade 12. You don't need to decide your whole career right now, but if you are interested in certain career fields or there are jobs that are of interest, you need to make sure you don't graduate and miss courses you may need to get accepted into a post secondary school. This could be a costly mistake as it may require you to return to high school to obtain a missing course OR you may have to pay money to get training before a school will accept you. Job Fest is a great way to start exploring career options and find out what courses you may require to continue your education.
- Employment. Youth unemployment across the nation is the highest it has been since 2000. While there are jobs available for youth in New Brunswick, it is a VERY competitive market and if you want to get a job, you need solid marketing tools and effective job search strategies working in your favour. If you want a competitive advantage, the tools and opportunity to practice your skills are here for you at Job Fest!
- It's fun. Experience first hand how many companies are using technology and social media to hire people. Talk to employers in real time and do some networking.
- Get your parents involved! Help them get information so they can support you in your career plans. You will get access codes to visit as much as you would like for up to 30 days.
- You have an opportunity to win 1 of 3 Samsung Galaxy 2 Tablets! Explore the event and answer a short feedback survey for a ballot to win!
All grade 11 students in the Angolphone South School District will be given access codes for the event from your school guidance counsellor and/or English language arts teacher to attend Job Fest.
You will be assigned a classroom period to access the event via your school computer lab on either April 3rd or 4th, 2013.
During your visit, you can watch career-related videos in the virtual auditorium, explore up to 40 different company and post-secondary training school booths and chat with representatives (in real time) and collect resource material that will assist you in your future job search and career planning.
You also have the opportunity to revisit the event outside of school hours (and up to 30 days after the live event) to provide enough time to explore all of the many features of Job Fest if you are not be able to complete you tour in the designated time frame. This is also designed to allow people access to the event in case they are unable to attend the live event. There will be no chat forum available with exhibitors after the live event Job Fest hours (9 am - 4 PM) on April 3rd and 4th.
Some grade 11 students may be interested in practicing their job search skills during Job Fest.
Job Fest provides an unique opportunity for students to have their resumes reviewed and some will be selected for students to practice their interview skills with career professionals and employers. The point of this activity is to coach student and provide information so that they are confident they have great marketing tools and are ready to meet employers and impress them with their interview skills.
This is always the favorite student activity of Job Fest. If you are interested you must submit you ACTUAL cover letter and resume that you will be using when seeking summer jobs and/or part time employment. We want you to have a finely tuned resume that you can actually use and be proud to hand out to employers!
Important dates are posted above. Make sure you submit your resume and cover letter before Mar.1, 2013 to your English teacher or school Guidance Department.
Important Dates
Mar 1, 2013
Deadline to submit resumes to Guidance Dept.
Mar.20-22, 2013
Students selected for interviews notified.
Apr.3 & 4, 2013
Job Fest (LIVE)
Apr.15-18, 2013
Practice interviews scheduled.
prize info coming soon
What Can I Expect to See At Job Fest?
Quick Overview
Students can view and download as many career resources as they wish. These resources can be stored to a
student's email or downloaded from the screen to a storage device.
Will contain over 30 booths of industries and post secondary training institutions for visitors to explore. Once in a booth, visitors can watch videos about the industry, download more information about that industry and speak to industry representatives from local companies via a chat forum.
Preparing for Job Fest
What Students Need to Know
Copy of in-school presentation
PowerPoint Version
Resources for Students
Everything You Need to Prepare for Job Fest

This is the first place students begin
and they can select their first
destination from the options listed
on the billboard.

Students can watch on-demand
career videos as many times as
they wish. There is full playback
functionality so videos can be
paused and navigated forward
and backward.
If you cannot see a video here, please adjust your brower settings
Who is going to be participating in Job Fest?