Job Fest is brought to you through funding provided by the Government of Canada and the Province of New Brunswick through the Canada-New Brunswick Labour Market Agreements
Please read these helpful tips on how to avoid some common technical issues.

Run a system check.
When you log on to the event, it may automatically run a system check to make sure your browser and flash players are up to the minimum requirements to see the environment properly.
You might get a screen
that looks like this.
Check marks are what
you want, so if everything
checks out, you are good
to go.
If you get an error or
caution symbol, you may
encounter difficulties
accessing the event so
make sure you contact
Disable "Pop up blockers".
Some information in the booths pops up in a seperate window and you won't be able to see it if you have pop-up blockers enabled.
It will also prevent you from sending your feedback survey. If you are a student this may mean you won't get your name wentered for the prize draw!
Allow NONSECURE items!
If you get a pop up box asking if you wish to allow non secure items, select YES.
If the pop-up box asks you if you want to view only the webpage content that was
delivered securely click NO.
If you make the wrong selection and do not permit nonsecure items, the
webpage links that companies display in their booths will not display properly.
My Login/Passwords won't work
Students will be assigned passwords by their teacher and the password will be JOBFEST (all CAPS) for everyone
Guests will use thier email as their login and JOBFEST (all CAPS) as their password.
Exhibitors will use their email as their login and their last name (all CAPS) as their password.
I can't find my email invitation to access the event.
I don't know where to find the Job Fest Event Portal